SPECIAL RELEASE: Bukola Koiki from the "Object As..." series.

In this special release, host Sarah Rachel Brown shares an episode from the American Craft Podcast series Object As… Throughout 2021 and 2022 Sarah worked closely with American Craft Magazine as host and producer of the series in conjunction to helping them launch the podcast. The 6 episode series has been released and we are honored to share one of the insightful interview with Nigerian-American artist Bukola Koiki with the Perceived Value listeners.

American Craft Podcast Launches (and I helped)!

Over the past year Sarah Rachel Brown has been collaborating with American Craft Magazine to bring the Object As... Project from the pages of the magazine to your podcast feeds. The first episode launches APRIL 15th through the American Craft Podcast feed. Enjoy this sneak peak into what the project entails and subscribe now to American Craft Podcast.

The Desired Brand Effect: Tracy Matthews has a book for you.

In the 58th episode of Perceived Value host Sarah Rachel Brown sits down with jewelry designer, entrepreneur, mentor, podcast host, and Flourish and Thrive Academy founder Tracy Matthews.

As of November, Tracy is a self-published author of the book The Desired Brand Effect: Stand Out in a Saturated Market with a Timeless Jewelry Brand and with pre-leased copy in hand, Sarah had a few questions. The two women sat down to discuss the logistics of self-publishing a book, the 1,000 true fans philosophy, the power of delegation, and why you should build your business around the kind of life you want.

Exemplifying Synchronicity: Christina Grace of TIN HAUS Jewelry

In the 54th episode of Perceived Value host Sarah Rachel Brown sits down with the 2020 Halstead Grant Winner, Christina Grace of TIN HAUSE Jewelry. Having been the guest judge for the 2020 grant, Sarah was eager to speak with the woman whom she had come to know so much about through her application.

The two women connected from across the country to discuss Christina’s diverse experiences which included competing in pageants, modeling, being a working actress in L.A., practicing meditation, and how jewelry making as her Hollywood side hustle eventually led to her next career.

A (the) Curator of Jewelry: Emily Stoehrer, PhD

Welcome to Season 4 of Perceived Value!

In the 51st episode of Perceived Value, host Sarah Rachel Brown is in Boston, MA as a visiting artist at the School of the Museum of Fine Arts at Tufts. Sarah has been invited to speak to the metals/jewelry students about her diverse studio practice and record a podcast episode while on campus. Boston is home to the only curator dedicated solely to jewelry in the United States and so asking Dr.Emily Stoehrer to be the guest for this special recording was a no-brainer.

Sarah and Emily were already acquaintances having met while both were presenting at the ECU Symposium in 2018. In the SMFA library while students and faculty looked on, the two women sat down to discuss Emily’s transition from working at the District Attorney’s office to student at FIT, the stress of fronting business expenses, Boston traffic, and what exactly does the day-to-day life as a curator involve.

Hey listeners, how are you?

Hey listeners, how are you?

In this brief message, host and producer Sarah Rachel Brown speaks on her current situation during the COVID-19 pandemic and what this means for the podcast. She’s got a lot of time on her hands, so yes, new episodes are on the horizon.

Please take care and as always, thank you for listening.

A Seat At The Table: Jennifer Ling Datchuk

In the 47th episode of Perceived Value, host Sarah Rachel Brown continues her recording on-site at the American Craft Council conference which took place in Philadelphia this past October. Sarah sits down Jennifer Ling Datchuk who was the ACC Emerging Voices Award winner in 2017.

Even though they had never met previously, the two women took no time warming up to each other in conversation and enthusiastically jump into topic after topic. The two artists discuss how Ling paid her way for her education, how she has taken control of managing her student loan debt through educating herself and staying informed, and what it means to be named ACC’s Emerging Voices Award winner.

Grad School Was My Version Of YOLO: Adriane Dalton

In the 46th episode of Perceived Value, host Sarah Rachel Brown is recording on-site at the American Craft Council conference which took place in Philadelphia this past October. Sarah sits down with the editor of Metalsmith Magazine, Adriane Dalton, and the two women discuss the value in attending conferences, why Adriane decided to go to grad school, what experiences prepared her to be an editor, and how one finds themselves moving from New York City to a tiny town in Utah.

I Say Yes, That's What You Do: Kathleen Kennedy

n the 45th episode of Perceived Value host Sarah Rachel Brown is in Richmond, VA and sits down with the co-director of Radical Jewelry Makeover, Kathleen Kennedy. Having already spoken with Susie Ganch who developed RJM and continues to co-direct, Sarah wanted to get insight as to who was helping Ganch continue this important project.

Moments after turning on the mics, the two women discover they have much in common and discuss their similar ages, experiences moving to Seattle, and their undying love of show choir. Of course they talked shop and Kathleen shared about her experiences adjuncting, why she went grad school, and how she went from being one of the first student participants of Radical Jewelry Makeover to a current co-director.

My Professional DJ Friend: Ralph Darden

In the 44th episode of Perceived Value host Sarah Rachel Brown sits down with musician Ralph Darden A.K.A. DJ Major Taylor. The two artists were introduced during Sarah’s recent trip to Chicago for the SNAG conference and after dancing all night to one of Ralph’s DJ sets, it was decided that he’d be the perfect podcast guest.

During a visit to his home town of Philadelphia, Ralph sat down with Sarah to discuss how he came to be a full-time musician, what types of events he finds most fulfilling to DJ, and what exactly does a DJ get paid.

Show Up: JB Jones of NYCJW

In the 43rd episode of Perceived Value host Sarah Rachel Brown takes a trip to NYC to interview one of the women working tirelessly behind the scenes to make New York City Jewelry Week happen. The inaugural NYCJW brought roughly 10,000 arts and culture enthusiasts to the big apple and this year is shaping up to be even bigger and better.

The two women sat down to discuss what experiences led JB to being a co-founder, the importance of showing up when trying to get your foot in the door, what lessons were learned from the inaugural year, and what visitors can expect from NYCJW19.

New York City Jewelry Week is happening November 18th - 24th.

Teach Me Always: Susie Ganch of Radical Jewelry Makeover

In the 42nd episode of Perceived Value, host Sarah Rachel Brown has traveled to Richmond, VA with a carload of jewelry and materials for donation to Radical Jewelry Makeover. It’s the perfect opportunity to connect with artist and educator Susie Ganch, who along with Christina Miller, helped design and develop RJM.

The two women sit down to discuss Susie’s undergrad experience and how that led her to metalsmithing, what Radical Jewelry Makeover is, and why Mr. Money Moustache should all be our new friend.