A podcast broaching the subject of value with artists.

The Desired Brand Effect: Tracy Matthews has a book for you.

The Desired Brand Effect: Tracy Matthews has a book for you.

In the 58th episode of Perceived Value host Sarah Rachel Brown sits down with jewelry designer, entrepreneur, mentor, podcast host, and Flourish and Thrive Academy founder Tracy Matthews.

As of November, Tracy is a self-published author of the book The Desired Brand Effect: Stand Out in a Saturated Market with a Timeless Jewelry Brand and with pre-leased copy in hand, Sarah had a few questions. The two women sat down to discuss the logistics of self-publishing a book, the 1,000 true fans philosophy, the power of delegation, and why you should build your business around the kind of life you want.

Tracy Matthews is a Jewelry Designer, Entrepreneur, Mentor, and the Host of the Top-Rated, Thrive By Design Podcast. As the Chief Visionary Officer of Flourish & Thrive Academy and Creatives Rule the World, she helps creatives and visionaries follow their dreams, make money doing what they love, and take control of their lives.

The Desired Brand Effect was the system she developed to position, grow and scale four companies across multiple industries, including jewelry, education, and branding. She’s made it her mission to make building a business FUN and joyful, and that’s why she loves helping others.

Notable media placements include Elle, InStyle, Us Weekly, Real Simple, Martha Stewart Weddings, Entrepreneur, and the Today Show. She’s been interviewed on countless podcasts and programs, including Yahoo Finance, American Fashion Podcast, Online Marketing Made Easy, EOFire, and Creative Live. 

She lives in Arizona with her partner, Jason, and his two daughters. She considers NYC her second home, loves to travel, and is the proud auntie to 21 nieces and nephews. 


Halstead puts supporting small jewelry businesses at the heart of their company’s mission.

Register for their JEWELRY BUSINESS FORUM!

The Halstead Jewelry Business Forum is a FREE digital conference is created to empower small jewelry business owners. Attendees will receive professional development in marketing and business skills while being inspired for the New Year. Halstead will host this event annually to help small jewelry business owners navigate entrepreneurship.

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