A podcast broaching the subject of value with artists.

What is Perceived Value?

What is Perceived Value?

Google 'perceived value' and you'll find an assortment of definitions. I simply think of it as what someone thinks something is worth. That something could be fresh produce at a farmer's market, a handmade Sterling Silver ring, or a person's talent. 

My name is Sarah Rachel Brown and I am the host and producer of Perceived Value, a podcast where I let my curiosities about artist's careers and accomplishments run wild. Whether it be a thousand likes on an Instagram post or an artist residency in New Zealand, I want to know how others make things happen. 

My first few interviews have been recorded and I'm diligently working my way through the production phase. Before I publish my first episode, I want to give you insight as to why I have begun this passion project. 

In 2013 I left Seattle, WA and began a three year stretch of living at Craft Schools. I like to think of the first two years as my undergrad and the third as a post-bac of sorts. It all started at the Penland School of Crafts in Penland, NC for the two-year Core Fellowship and then a year at the Arrowmont School of Arts and Crafts in Gatlinburg, TN as a resident artist. 

A huge advantage of living at a place where artists come from all over the country (and world) to study meant I got to meet and have conversations with individuals who worked in all types of mediums with all types of socioeconomic backgrounds. There were conversations about art vs. craft, traveling to residencies, and our daily studio practices. We discussed the minute details of how to make a perfect mold or where to find the best safety glasses.

Amid all of these conversations I realized that we often talked of how to make something but we hardly discussed how to make a living. 

Everyday I open up Instagram or Facebook and scroll through people's accomplishments. I see them finishing a big project, traveling as a visiting artist, or announcing an exhibition they're taking part in. My initial thoughts usually revolve around the costs of these experiences and then I wonder what do they get out of these experiences beyond monetary gain (if there is any).

I know it's taboo but I want to talk about money.

I want to know what one gains from living in the woods for 6 months with nothing but empty canvasses and colored pencils. I want to ask questions like 'who handles your taxes?' or 'do you have a job outside of your studio practice?' I want to talk to the person who is successfully juggling a full-time career as an artists and raising a family.

I want to know the particulars of other artists's experiences so I can learn from them and share that knowledge with you. 

Perceived Value is a podcast where I interview visual artists, professors, ceramicists, arts administrators, students, designers, facilitators, collectors, makers, musicians, parents, friends, strangers, small business owners, jewelers...... anyone willing to have an honest conversation with me. 

Are you interested? 





The Adjunct Hustle: A conversation with Emily Cobb

The Adjunct Hustle: A conversation with Emily Cobb